Download T-FLEX CAD 16.0.88
Download T-FLEX CAD 16.0.88

About Us Company History Contact Us Become a T-FLEX Partner. Free Day Trial Free T-FLEX CAD Student Edition Free T-FLEX Viewer T-FLEX White Papers T-FLEX Presentation Forum System Requirements Academic Program. T-FLEX CAD Student Edition makes learning faster and easier providing powerful, innovative, easy to learn and use design tools. T-FLEX DOCs - SQL based EDM/ PDM software.T-FLEX CAD Student Edition is a full version of T-FLEX CAD with few limitations, allowing students to use the product, understand its benefits and features, and prepare for their career of design engineers.T-FLEX Dynamics - general-purpose motion simulation application for studying the physics-based motion behavior of a CAD design.T-FLEX Analysis – Finite element analysis CAE application.T-FLEX CAD is interoperable with other 3D-modeling and 2D-drawing systems via the following file formats: Parasolid, IGES, STEP, Rhino, DWG, DXF, SolidWorks, Solid Edge, Autodesk Inventor, etc. NET technology offering possibilities for developing add-on applications. The result can be fully automatic, so that a master parametric drawing does not require editing as changes are required. Parametric 2D assemblies can be created as well by inserting parametric 2D components. In addition to parametric 3D modeling T-FLEX CAD supports parametric 2D drawings creation from scratch. They can then be processed with algebraic or logical expression to control the behavior of the design. Variables can be assigned for component names, visibility, material, any numeric or text attribute of any entity. Entities and their parameters in T-FLEX CAD can be related to each other. T-FLEX CAD provides parametric, adaptive and associative technology aimed at family-of-parts manufacturers or other design situations that use similar geometry but require many different sizes or permutations. T-FLEX CAD supports a unified mode of operations for all types of documents and entities: drawings, assembly drawings, solids, surfaces, parts, parts with multiple solid bodies, assembly models, sheet metal, bill of materials, etc. T-FLEX CAD was among the first MCAD (mechanical CAD) systems to bring the power of parametric design into a native Windows environment. It provides drafting, modeling and assembly tools that enable engineers to develop various products, from single parts to assemblies. T-FLEX CAD is a full-featured design solution primarily aimed at mechanical engineering.

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